Invoice Setup - Form Names tab

Topic overview

The Form Names tab provides you with a list of forms that already exist in the system and the ability to add, delete, export and import form definitions. The Form Names tab is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: The Form Names tab

The buttons on the Form Names tab are detailed in Table 1.




Click Edit to edit the selected Form. You can also double-click the Form Description in the listing to edit the Form.
See: Invoice Designer for more information.


Click New to create a new Form definition from the defaults or as copy of an existing Form.
See: New Forms for more information


Click Delete to delete a Form from the system.
Caution should be used when deleting Forms. If you delete a Form that is in use by any of the Stations, then you cause errors on those stations when they attempt to use the Form.


Click Import to import a Form definition from another source. You can obtain custom Form designs from your Support personnel.


Click Export to export Form definitions from your system.

Table 1: The Form Names buttons

On the right side of the Form Names tab, you see the following two images:

An Letter or full page invoice, is commonly used for Accounts Receivable, Estimate and Work Order Invoices. You can create as many Invoice Forms as you require. See New Forms for more information.

<Return to: Item Image on Invoice Print-out

You can use the Invoice Tree to force multiple copies of a specific Invoice Type to be printed. An example of an Accounts Receivable Invoice is shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3: The Accounts Receivable example

Figure 3 shows how an Accounts Receivable Invoice can be configured to print two copies of the AR INVOICE Form every time it is printed. Adding additional instances of the AR INVOICE Form to the tree would instruct System Five to print additional copies. In the same example, if the Invoice is a Cash Invoice, it prints out using the Slip Printer Form.

Form Ask Function

This function provides the ability to have System Five ask you which Form you wish to Print. To use this function, drag the Question mark to the Invoice Tree and drop it on the Invoice Type. Then drag the Form Names you want System Five to offer as choices to the Invoice Tree and drop them on the Question mark, as shown in Figure 4:


Figure 4: The Ask Function example

In this example, the question mark was dropped onto the A Accounts Receivable Invoice Type, then the AR INVOICE Form and Slip Printer Form were dropped onto the question mark. You can have any combination of available Forms you wish. Printing an Accounts Receivable invoice in this configuration displays the dialog shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5: The Which form... dialog box

Select the desired Form from the listing and click OK to print, Preview to view the Invoice on screen, PDF to create a PDF file from the invoice or Cancel to abort the Print operation. Because we did not specify the Printer to be used for the AR INVOICE Form, System Five displays another dialog asking which Printer to use for either the print or preview options. This can be avoided by dropping a specific printer on the Invoice Tree below the AR INVOICE Form. The Slip Printer Form is always printed on the Slip Printer.

See: The Printers tab for more information on specifying the Printer or Printers that can be used.

< Return to: Form Names Overview

New Forms

The New Forms window is shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6: The New Forms window

You can either create a New Form using an exiting Layout or create a blank Form. If you choose to create a blank form and click [OK] the Invoice Designer appears with this new form for you to design. Some naming restrictions apply to Form Names. For example, BARCODE is a reserved word and cannot be used as a Form Name.

< Return to: Form Names Overview
< Return to: Invoice Setup Overview