Renew Rentals Command

Topic overview

System Five can help manage long term rentals. Need to bill a customer for a period, but carry forward their rental to the next period? The Renew Rental report lists work orders with due dates falling within a specified range and allows those invoices to be converted to accounts receivable after duplicating them for the new period. With stored credit card information, invoices and work orders can be automatically charged to credit cards.

Getting started

The Renew Rental report will only list invoices with a specific sub-type. This sub-type must be specified in the Setup Wizard, under Rental Settings> Rentals. The Rolling Rental sub-type text box holds the sub-type used for the Renew Rental report. The same sub-type must also be set in the invoice setup (from the Navigator menu, select Setup Tools> Printing Options> Invoice Setup).

In the Setup Wizard> Invoice Setup> Invoice Options 2, there are two options that need to be enabled to use the Renew Rentals feature. Both the Select a sub-type on Work Orders and Select a subtype on Invoices options must be checked. The invoice sub-type can now be assigned when creating or editing an invoice.

See Also: Rental Settings, Credit Card Processing Setup


To access the Renew Rentals report, select the Rentals > Renew Rentals from the Navigator menu, as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: The Navigator Menu

Note: Recurring Rentals will only process invoices for the current department.

Windows and dialog boxes

The following topics include detailed descriptions of windows and dialog boxes used for the Renew Rentals function:

How Tos

The command displays puts the focus on the Renew Rentals report window - Settings tab where you can set the report parameters and in the Report tab view a list of work orders that are due for renewal, so you can:

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