Rental module - setup & configuration

Topic overview

In order for the Rental module to perform the required functions for your business, the module must be properly setup and configured before you begin using it. You do not need to enable the module as you must be licensed for it and the module is enabled with the installation of your license codes. This section gives you the information required to perform the setup and configuration.

Please read and complete the following sections in the order presented to ensure the proper function of the Rental module:

Rental inventory setup

  1. Create rental inventory in the Inventory and Purchases module

      Create serialized rental units

      Create rental kits

Rental time period/rate/payment setup

  1. Set rental rate parameters in the Setup Wizard {Setup Tools> Setup Wizard> Rental Settings (in Advanced mode)}
  1. Set prices for rental inventory in the Rental Rates tab for each rental item (Inventory and Purchases> Edit Item and select inventory item).
  2. Setup credit card processing for renewals

Serialized rental parts print on Shipping Part labels. This includes both Barcode and WYSIWYG labels. The inventory item unit description field (Inventory Details window - Rental Unit tab) overrides the inventory item description when printing the shipping label.

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