Health Billing (optional)

See Also: All About Health Billing , Health Billing Category Load, Invoice Health Billing tab, Inventory Health Billing Categories tab

Topic overview

The information on the Health Billing tab will vary based on whether the customer is a Customer, a Payee or a Nurse.


The Payee is the provider who will be paying part, or all, of another customer's purchase. To set a customer up as a Payee, add PAYEE to the customer's Lookup Word. When editing a Payee, the Health Billing tab, as shown in Figure 1, will display all authorizations for that Payee.


Figure 1: Payee Health Billing tab

Note: To set a customer up as a Payee, add PAYEE to the customer's Lookup Word. A Payee will have an additional Health Billing Reference Numbers tab.


The Nurse is the person responsible for authorizing the purchase. When editing a Nurse, the Health Billing tab, as shown in Figure 2, will display all authorizations that the Nurse has made.


Figure 2: Nurse Health Billing tab

Note: To set a customer up as a Nurse, add NURSE to the customer's Lookup Word.


The Customer is the person receiving the goods or services. When editing a Customer, the Health Billing tab, as shown in Figure 3, will display all authorizations made for that Customer.


Figure 3: Customer Health Billing tab

To add a new authorization, select a blank line, or one to be copied, and enter or modify the required information, as detailed in Table 1.


Purpose or Function


The provider of part or all of the payment.


When working with a Payee or Nurse, this is the receiver of the goods or services.

Authorized by


The person who authorized the entry for this customer.


The Health Billing Category Code.

Auth Code

The authorization code provided by the Payee.


Additional code if provided by the Payee.

Cost Percent

The amount, as a percentage, for which the Payee will cover.


The date the authorization was entered.

Expiry Date

The date the authorization will expire.

Max Year Quantity

The maximum quantity allowed per year. This value will initially be the quantity from the Health Billing Category Code setup.

Max Price

The maximum price the Payee will pay for this category code. Overage must be paid by the Customer.

Max Qty Option

There are two options, as explained in the Health Billing Category Code setup.

Table 1: Health Billing Authorization fields

Use the [Add] button add a new entry or the [Cancel] button to discard it. To change and authorization, select the line, make the changes, and then use the [Update] button to commit the change or the [Cancel] button to discard the changes.

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