View the booking schedule for specific rental items

See also: Rental Settings

The Rentals window - Schedules tab displays the bookings for a inventory item (s) currently selected in the Reservations tab, as shown in Figure 1. You can then see details for booking conflicts, make additional reservations or modify existing reservations. You can select a date and view option for the report.

Select Rentals> Reservations, in the Reservations tab select an inventory item to rent (see Reserving rental items) and double-click to change the Rentals window focus to the Schedule tab with the specified items' schedules displayed or select the Rentals > Schedule from the Navigator menu, click the Reservation tab and select an item and then click the Schedule tab.

Select the view option

The schedule can be viewed by the day, week, month or year. Your choice changes the time or date listing of the grid display. Click the Date down-arrow and select the start date from the calendar to narrow the search.


View the item bookings

The Schedule tab displays the quantity of inventory item across the top as related to the invoice (one column = one item; however, renting 2 items on an invoice two columns are spanned in solid color). The left column lists the time of day (spanning the business day in day view as set in the Setup Wizard> Rental Settings> Rentals) or date (week, month or year view). The length of rental time is spanned in solid color. Therefore, a block of color represents an invoice booking for a specified quantity of an inventory item over a specified period. Each tab represents a different inventory item.


The reservation start and end dates/times that you selected on the Reservations tab is shown in green. Reservations that have no conflict appear with yellow or green shading. Conflicting reservations appear with a red to purple shading. For best viewing the workstation monitor should be capable of showing more than 256 colors.

Each rental displays the serial number of the item (where applicable), the assigned customer and a status based on the start time and end time.




A valid rental start and end time has been entered.

Pickup Late

The customer is more than an hour late to pick up the item based on the start time of the rental, but is still within the end time.

No Show

The item was not rented out before the end time.

Rented Out

The item has been picked up and the estimated end time has not passed.


The estimated end time has passed and the item has not been returned.


The item has been returned.

Reserved estimates appear as conflicts but pending reservations do not.

Modify a reservation

If you hover your mouse over the rental block, bubble help appears displaying more information about the rental. If you double click on the rental, the reservation or invoice can be modified.

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