Part Load

See also: Data Load Functions

To import a list of parts that comes from another database, or from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet use the Part Load function. Note, however that it may not always transfer all the data fields, depending how the parts were stored in the old database.

To access the File Selection dialog box shown in Figure 1, use the following Navigator menu path:

Setup Tools> Configuration> Data Load> Part Load or Inventory and Purchases>Data Load>Part Load


Figure 1: File Selection dialog box


ODBC Database

If your file is from a supported database in the required format, but does not have the appropriate file extension, rename it with the correct file extension. The file must not be encrypted or password protected.

System Fivedoes not include the required files for transferring files in a demo version. Call System Five support for assistance and we can provide the files necessary.

System Five can often read other file formats besides the ones mentioned above. There may be an extra charge for this service. First try to export the data from your current program before sending your raw data files. Most programs have an export function or you may be able to print a report to a text file, which can then be imported.

Here are some points to consider when using part load:

Categories: Is there a category field, or something you can use for a category?

Suppliers: Is there a supplier account number field, if so load the suppliers first? If there is no account number field for suppliers, is there a supplier name field, are the supplier names identical, or have they been mistyped?

Cost Price: Make certain this field is available.

Retail Price: Make certain this field is available.

Description: System Five description is limited to 35 characters.

Part Numbers: There are many options with part numbers and barcode numbers. Part numbers may or may not have dashes, spaces or leading zeros, do you want these, or do you want to strip them out. Barcodes can be formatted by the scanner that reads them, and may have leading zeros, check digits and such. System Five can import your part number, the supplier's part number, and a barcode number.

Note: Trying to enter a part with '*' or '#' or '$' as the first character, or editing a Part Number and adding '*' or '#' or '$' to the beginning results in a warning dialog box. The Part Number is not be saved.

Serial Numbers: If your inventory is serialized, then you need to have all the serial numbers exported as well, or do not import quantities, and change the serialized items to serialized manually afterwards.

Default Parts

You must set up your default parts before performing a part load so that fields that are not imported are setup correctly such as default margins, taxes etc.

Regular Parts or Virtual Warehouse Inventory Database

If you are loading a parts disk from a supplier that carries thousands of parts, these parts should be added to the Virtual Warehouse Inventory database since you probably only selling a small portion of them.

If you are loading parts from your old system, but the majority of these parts are no longer stocked, import the ones with the zero stock quantity into the Virtual Warehouse Inventory database and the ones that have a stock quantity into the regular database. Loading thousands of unused parts into your regular database makes the process of creating inventory reports very long.

System Fivewould be glad to help you import your data to make sure it is entered correctly. Often you need to import it several times before getting it right. Make a backup between each successive data load and before you start.

The Main Buttons

There are four main buttons, these are:

Loading Data

Superseding parts are loaded into regular inventory when the parts they supersede already exist in regular inventory and are not

marked for deletion. Any part that supersedes an existing part in regular inventory, must also be created in regular inventory... so if you do a part load into the virtual warehouse and specify that a part supersedes an existing part in regular inventory, that part is created in regular inventory.

The exception to this rule is that if a part in regular inventory is marked for deletion, parts that supersede it are not required to be in regular inventory.

There are four major tasks to complete the data load process in order as follows:

  1. Selecting the source and settings files
  2. Mapping data and creating a settings file
  3. Setting import options
  4. Loading the data and reviewing the Import log

Selecting the source and settings files

The first task in loading data is to choose the file or data source you are going to import from and optionally the settings file you wish to use. The settings file is one you have previously defined in System Five and saved so it can be reused. It includes the column mapping from the source file to the database (2nd screen) and the options selected in the Options dialog box (3rd screen) and the functions associated with the columns in the Functions dialog box (4th screen).

  1. In the File Selection dialog box shown in Figure 1, click [From File] to open a standard Windows Open dialog box and navigate to the file you wish to use as the source of your data. The following types of files can be imported:

A data source can also be setup to import from any ODBC compliant database driver. Once the file or data source is loaded you see a page with the column setup.

  1. Optionally, to select a predefined settings file, click the Select Settings File down arrow and select from the quick-pick list OR click [...] to open a standard Windows Open dialog box and navigate to where you saved the desired settings file (.xml).

Note: You do not have to select the settings file here; you can select the settings file in the next dialog box when you go to map the columns.

  1. Click [Next] to open the Columns Mapping dialog box shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Columns Mapping dialog box

Mapping Data and creating a settings file

The second task in loading data is selecting the columns of data from the old file and assigning them database values for System Five. Your old part data is divided into different sections, or columns. To reliably import this information you must tell System Five what these columns of information should be called.

If you selected a predefined settings file, these columns are already mapped and you can skip on to the next task or make minor adjustments if required before clicking [Next].

  1. In the Columns Mapping dialog box shown in Figure 2, click anywhere in a column to select it. The column is now highlighted in yellow.
  2. Click the Map Column To down arrow and select an appropriate item from the drop-down list. The list shows you what is a available in System Five. For example, a column from your old data file that you know to be the part number, you would use the drop down menu and select "Part Number". The System Five column name is the top column heading and the old data file name is the bottom.

Note: For a list of the columns supported in the Part Load function, please click here.

  1. Repeat for each column of the source data file.
  2. Clicking [Options] displays the command menu described in Table 1.

Important: To create a settings file you follow steps 1 to 9 to create settings you wish to reuse and then click [Back] until you return to the Columns Mapping dialog box. You have two button menu options to save the settings file.

Half field width

Allows placing more columns on the window

Double field width

Allows more room for details in the columns

Show bottom scrollbar

Allows scrolling left to right

Clear all column titles

Allows renaming columns

Enter field name

Allows modifying an entry

Add Column

Adds a new column

Set all columns to...

Allows the settings of all column headers to the same value.

Save settings

Opens a standard Windows Open dialog box where you can specific what you want to call the xml settings file and where you want to store it.

Save settings to user-defined group

Opens a Name File dialog box and once you enter a name the xml file is automatically saved and the name appears in the Select Settings File list.

Table 1: Options button commands

  1. Click [Next] to open the Options dialog box shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Options dialog box

Setting import options

The third task in loading data is selecting your options. When loading part information these options are selecting categories and suppliers, defining costs parameters and load operations.

  1. In the Options dialog box shown in Figure 3, select the appropriate settings for this data. For example, if you are importing Regular Parts, then you should check the Regular Parts box. Likewise if you are importing Virtual Warehouse Parts, you should check that box instead. Notice that you can also add a Lookup Word during the process if you wish. You can also choose which Category or Supplier the items being added should receive. See Part Load Import Options for more information.
  2. Click [Next] to open the Functions dialog box shown in Figure 4 and optionally associate functions to each data column. This is an optional advanced fine-tuning function. See Data Load Functions.

Figure 4: Functions dialog box

  1. Click [Next] to open the Load dialog box shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Load dialog box

Loading the data

  1. Once you have made all your selections and mapped data columns, the last task in loading the data is clicking [Load] in the Load dialog box shown in Figure 5 to import the data. This window shows you the progress of the import. To view the full import log after completion click [View Log].

Columns and Restrictions






3 (or 4) digit category number. Though this category should be a numeric value , alpha numeric is allowed but categories should be moved to a numeric number 000-999. Four digit categories are available (see Categories). This column need not be specified if all items are to be imported into the same category. Category Name can be used instead, or as well as.

Category Name

Category Name

33 alpha numeric category name. Can be used with or without Category. If not used with Category, the Category Name field automatically create category numbers which must be renumbered.

Category (Update)

Category (Update)

Part Number

Part Number

20 digit part number. This should be your main part number. Either Part Number, Supplier Part Number or Item Number must be specified in the import. This may be your own creation or the suppliers part number or the manufactures part number.

Supplier's Part Number

Supplier's Part Number

20 digit part number. Suppliers part number required for reordering from your supplier.



35 alphanumeric description.



The items barcode number if not the part number. A barcode scan finds the part number or the barcode number. 20 alphanumeric characters.



The quantity in stock. There are options to load items with quantities into regular stock and items without of stock into the Virtual Warehouse Inventory stock.

Unique Number

Unique Number

Price Quantity (#units)

Price Quantity (#units)

Discount Code

Discount Code


Cost Price

The standard cost price of the item.

Cost Price (if not Zero)

Extra Cost

The standard extra cost to add to Cost Price to calculate Landed.

Freight Cost

The standard Freight cost to add to Cost Price to calculate Landed.

Duty Cost

The standard Duty cost to add to Cost Price to calculate Landed.

Foreign Country Code

  1. digit. The currency code of the foreign cost.

Foreign Cost

Cost price in a foreign currency defined by the foreign country code.


List Price

List price or selling price of the item. You can have 13 list prices (0-12)

List Price (if not Zero)

Special Function - The List Price is updated if the Original Price is NOT ZERO.

Sale Price

Sale price of the item. You can have 13 sale prices (0-12)

Supplier Info

Supplier Name

30 character alphanumeric suppliers name. Note that each supplier name that is not found in your suppliers list creates a new name. ie., "Ford" and "Ford Inc." are not the same supplier. For best results use Supplier Account and load the suppliers First. Can be used with or without Supplier Account.

Supplier Account Number

20 Character alphanumeric suppliers account number. If the account number is not found in the supplier list, a new supplier account number is created. Should be used with Supplier Name to create a supplier with the given account number and name. Note, because it is alphanumeric, 0020 and 20 are different account numbers.

Brand Name

30 character alphanumeric brand name. Note that each supplier name that is not found in your suppliers list creates a new name. ie., "Ford" and "Ford Inc." are not the same supplier. For best results use Brand Account and load the suppliers First. Can be used with or without Brand Account.

Brand Account Number

20 Character alphanumeric brand account number. If the account number is not found in the supplier list, a new supplier account number is created. Should be used with Brand Name to create a supplier with the given account number and name. Note, because it is alphanumeric, 0020 and 20 are different account numbers.


Tax 1- 8

Item is taxable. Y or N or T or F. Looks at uppercase of the first character only so Yes,yes, No, no, True, true and False,false are also ok.

Eco Tax 7-8

The Eco tax code (5 digits). These five digits are a lookup code to determine the tax rate of the item depending on the date. Also sets the item as taxable.


6 character location or bin number for the item.

Minimum (Low)

Numeric field for the minimum stock quantity before reordering.

Date Check Marks

Date Check Marks


Sale Start Date

The start date of the sale prices. This date should be in whatever date format that you Windows Date format is specified.

Sale End Date

The end date of the sale prices. This date should be in whatever date format that you Windows Date format is specified.

Invoice Warning Comment

A pop up warning comment that appears when the item is sold over viewed. No limit on the comment, but should be short in length so it all fits on a window.

Invoice Printed Comment

A comment that prints on the invoice under the part. Use for extended descriptions or important instructions. Limited to 320 characters. It is broken into 7 lines at 60 characters per line, but there is no method to break the lines on import.


20 character location or bin number for the item.

Minimum (Low)

Numeric field for the minimum stock quantity before reordering.

Health Billing Category

Any Health Billing Category not found will be automatically added.



Category and part number separated by colon.

Alternate Supplier


Rental Columns

The rental rate data load sets values for the REGULAR RATE for an inventory item. Note that there should only be one regular rate setup for an inventory item (the setup wizard Rental Rules setup enforces this).

All time periods that have been setup in the Setup Wizard -> Rental Time Periods setup can be selected in the data load for rental rates.

Selecting a column in data load to represent "% of Rental List" updates that rental rate price schedule to a code of "D" for discount from rental list price.

Column descriptions

Rental Prices -> Regular Price - sets the regular price for a rental time period and price schedule.

Rental Prices -> % of Rental List - sets % of Rental List price for a time period and price schedule - including price schedules 1..n (similar to the behaviour of the % Discount from List for retail pricing).

Rental Minimum Charge - sets the rental minimum charges for a part.