Adding, editing, deleting a customer record

See also: Customer Address Options

There are several methods to add or edit a customer in the system. One way is to click on the Navigator menu, choose Point of Sale or Accounts Receivable, and then click Customers. You could also click on the Accounts tab at the top of the window and choose Customers. And finally, from anywhere in the program, you can press Control-F5.

This brings up the Find Customer window. Click here to view detailed information about the Find Customer window. At this point you can add, edit or delete the customer record.

Create a new customer record

Customer routines allow a user without edit permissions to add new records.

To create a new customer record, in the Find Customer window click [New] on the Toolbar.

If you have created more than one default customer, the system brings up a list of default customer templates to choose from. Most companies do not see this option, but it can be used if you need to enter different customer types based on state or province or other criteria. This can help speed up the entry and reduce errors. If you see this dialog box, double click on the default to use.


A blank customer record appears. Simply fill in the name, address, telephone number, etc. and click [OK] to save. See the Customer Details window for links to detailed information on the individual window tabs.


Edit an existing customer record

Once you've created the customer record, you can edit it the same as you would an existing record.

To edit an existing customer record, in the Find Customer window:

  1. Enter your search criteria such as last name or any information you know about the record in the fields at the top of the window and the list populates automatically with records that match the search criteria.
  2. Highlight the desired record in the list and click [Edit] on the Toolbar. The Customer Details window appears with the specific customer record displayed.
  3. Modify information on any tab and click [OK] to accept your changes and close the window. See the Customer Details window for links to detailed information on the individual window tabs.

Note: The Default Customer records affect the entry of new customer and supplier records either by import from csv or by manual entry.
The default record is used to create the new record, so things like Price Schedule, Credit Limit, Taxes etc are populated from the default records.

Delete an existing customer record

To edit an existing customer record, in the Find Customer window:

  1. Enter your search criteria such as last name or any information you know about the record in the fields at the top of the window and the list populates automatically with records that match the search criteria.
  2. Highlight the desired record in the list and click [Delete] on the Toolbar. The record is deleted and removed from the displayed customer list.

OR, alternately if in the Customer Details window, click [Delete]. A confirmation dialog box appears requesting confirmation of your choice. Ensure you are deleting the correct record before clicking [Yes]. The window closes and you return to the Find Customer window.

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