General Ledger - contents

Topic overview

The General Ledger module is allows you to manage your general ledger, maintain your chart of accounts, create and edit journal entries, import payroll, perform end of day and year end routines and perform integrity checks on accounts payable, accounts receivable and journals.


To access the General Ledger module, use the following Navigator path:

General Ledger as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: General Ledger Navigator menu

Setup & configuration

Click the following links for prerequisite setup instructions for the General Ledger module:

Sub-menus & How To's

The following topics explain the commands within of each of these related sub-menus (or commands directly where applicable) and links to the related tasks that can be performed using the commands:

Windows and dialog boxes

The following topics include detailed descriptions of window(s) and dialog box(es) used for the General Ledger functions: