Enable rentals to remain out on A or C type invoices

See also: Invoice types

Topic Overview

The Rentals remain out on A type invoices and Rentals remain out on C type invoices check boxes on the Rentals page, shown in Figure 1, dictate if rentals can be left checked out on these types of invoices. You would use these options if you want to charge up front for rented items. For your A/R customers the invoice appears on the statement, even if the items are still rented out. If the items are returned early or late, the clerk is given the option for refund or adding charges at that time.


Figure 1: The Rentals remain out on A or C type invoices check boxes

If the Rentals remain out on A type invoices check box is checked, the Renew Rentals report will have an option to renew Accounts Receivable invoices in the Renew Rentals report settings tab.

If either the Rentals remain out on A type invoices or Rentals remain out on C type invoices options are checked, there will be an additional Rental Return option when loading these types of invoices to enable returning rental items.

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