Customer - History Comments tab

In the Customer Details window - Historical Comments tab, you can enter an unlimited number of comments for each customer. They are automatically sorted by date with the most recent comment appearing at the top of the page. They can be used for any purpose such recording A/R collection or sales prospecting activities.

A/R collection example: You call a customer that owes you money and record their reply after asking for payment. The next time you make a collection call, you can review the past comments to know what promises were made and whether or not they were kept.

Sales prospecting example: For each customer contact name you are able to note what products or services they are interested in, their hot buttons, and what information you need to prepare before your next call. You can also enter an appointment date on the comment so that System Five reminds you to call the customer on the date of the appointment. Optionally, you can even block off a specific amount of time by entering a start and end time while setting up the appointment. Each salesperson tracks their own sales leads and sets their own appointments.

To optionally set a number of days of task history comment to load, tick the Only list Task in the last checkbox, and sepcify the number of days.

Note: Appointments entered here are displayed in the appointment scheduler and, vice-versa, comments entered in the appointment scheduler will appear on the History Comments page of the customer record.


Sorting History Comments

Tasks in the History Comments tab of the customer record are automatically sorted by the Scheduled Date in a descending order. However, if you want to have the tasks sorted according to entry date, just hold the [SHIFT] key while clicking the top section of the grid or anywhere below the [Add], [Edit], [Delete] or [Refresh] buttons. A dialogue box will prompt the user to "Toggle the date used for sorting?" Clicking [Yes] would save the last sort order and use it the next time the user opens the History Comments tab on a Customer Record.