Create a size matrix

See also: Including matrix items on Purchase Orders

Creating a Size Matrix

To start using the Size Matrix in System Five, the correct option must be selected in the Setup Wizard. From the Navigator menu select Setup Tools> Setup Wizard > Inventory > Size Matrix. Check the Use Size/Clothing Matrix check box.

A size matrix is a group of similar items that can be conveniently managed as a single item within a two or three dimensional matrix. An example of a two dimensional matrix would be a shirt that comes in different colors and sizes. This same shirt would require a three dimensional matrix if it also came in short and long sleeves. Each item in the matrix will have its own description, price, in-stock quantity, etc. Each dimension in the matrix has a maximum size of X items.

To create a size matrix item, first create a new part or edit an existing item. From the Navigator select Inventory and Purchases > Inventory > New item or Edit item. Once the part has been created, click the Size Matrix tab and click [Create Size Matrix].


For this example we have size information in the left hand panel, and color information across the top panel.


Once the dimensions of the matrix have been set, either choose to create individual sizes highlighted in the grid, or choose to add all sizes by choosing an option from the drop-down box by the [New] button.


The newly created parts will be displayed in the matrix. Click [High] or [Low] to display inventory High and Low values in the matrix grid (fillable like Price and Cost are). Note: this is not intended to set seasonal highs and lows, only the current season.


Note in the above example, all quantities are presently zero. Also, if we look at the matrix part under category maintenance, you now see all of the newly created matrix parts:


At present, all the matrix parts inherit the characteristics of the master, ie: description, cost, price schedules, etc. This can be adjusted on an individual basis if required by double clicking on the appropriate item in the matrix and making the adjustments. For our example, we adjust the cost of the 44 Tall Tan suit from $350.00 to $400.00.


First, click on the appropriate item in the matrix, and change the cost to $400.00. The update takes effect immediately. Also note that when we now click on the prices tab, the list price is also adjusted.


When looking up items under part lookup, the changes are also visible under the displayed list.


However, the headings for color and size are not displaying correctly. We can easily fix this by editing our Part Find window. Just right click on the grid and choose to customize.


This bring ups the customize grid option which allows us to change the headers from Size 1 to Color and Size.


Now, when the items are displayed in the Part Find window, the appropriate header is used:


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