Commission Rates - Tabs

See Also: Copying Commissions, Deleting Commissions

Topic Overview

There are two tabs along the top of the Commission Rates setup. They are explained in detail in the following topic items:

View by Salesperson

The Commission Rates - View by Salesperson Tab is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: The View by Salesperson Tab

In this view, you see the commission rates for the specific Salesperson selected in the [Sales Person] drop down list along the top of the Tab. In this example, the 0 All (Salesperson Zero) gets the following commissions
15% commission for items sold at a 50 to 59% margin
20% commission for items sold at a 60 to 69% margin
25% commission for items sold at a 70% margin or higher.
In this example, items sold at a profit margin below 50% receive no commission.

The last line of each Category is a called a "blank" line. It is not actually part of the Commission Rate structure until you enter a value in the [Margin] and [Rate] columns. The moment you begin modifying this "blank" a new "blank" line is added to the Category.

You can view the commission rates for each Salesperson by selecting them from the [Sales Person] drop down list at the top of the Tab. The Sales Person drop down is shown in Figure 2, below.


Figure 2: The Sales Person drop down

In order to make it easier to distinguish between the Categories, the lines within the Categories alternate between a yellow and white background. This color change has no other meaning or function.

When the Commission calculation is Based on Salesperson, the Commission Type can be selected for each salesperson separately from a drop down list on the By Salesperson tab, as shown in Figure 3.


Figure 4: Selecting a Commission Type for a Salesperson

Note: the drop down list is not visible if All is selected for Sales Person.


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View by Category

Important: To Add, Modify or Delete single lines you must be on the view by Salesperson Tab.

In this view you can see the Commission Rate structure for all Salespersons for a selected Main and Sub Category. The view by Category Tab is shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4: The View by Category Tab

In the example in Figure 4, Kevin is given a better Commission Rate on BSC Store/Office Supplies than the other salespeople because he works on the road. This is to demonstrate that each Salesperson can be setup uniquely or as part of a general Commission Rate structure.


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< Return to: Commission Rates Overview