Time Period Coverage

See also: Rental Time Periods


The Time Period Coverage window is used to ensure that you have not missed any thing in your Time Period definitions. The more complex your Time Periods requirements are, the easier it is to miss a single Hour or Day in the process of creating those periods. This window will test your Time Periods and identify any overlapping or missing information in the Time Periods you have defined.

The topics covered in this chapter:

The Time Period Coverage window is shown in Figure 1:


Figure 1: The Time Period Coverage window

The example shown in Figure 1, has passed all of the tests and has a green check mark next to each of the Months of the Year. If you click the + next to any month, the tree will expand to show you the 7 days of the week, each day of the week will also expand to show you each hour of the day. There are three images on the right side of the window with text to indicate their meaning. If the coverage window discovers a problem, the offending Month, Day or Hour will have one of the images assigned to it.


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