Invoice Number Options and Prefixes

Invoice Number Options gives you the ability to add prefixes to your Invoice Number, Payment Number or Customer Account Number. Why would you want to do this? Well, if you are running departments, (Departments are when you have multiple stores) you might want to add a prefix to the invoice. Here, I will give you an example:

Lets say that you have two stores, one is in Creston, and the other is in Greenwood. If you create a large report for the company as a whole, and you have a pile of invoices, it might be hard to tell at a glance which invoice came from which store. If you use an Invoice Prefix of C you would know that invoice came from your Creston store, or likewise, if the invoice had a prefix of G then that invoice came from your Greenwood store. You can of course use a longer prefix than just a single letter, how you choose to designate stores like this is up to you. You would do this in the same way with the Payment Prefix and the Customer Prefix. Note that you will not see the customer prefix (which is a prefix to the customer account number) unless you enable account numbers in the system.


The Main window and Options

You will notice that there are five fields in the table. The first two you cannot change. These are Dept and Name. The Dept is the Department number (if you are using departments, if you are not, you can ignore this) of the particular store. The Name is the name of the Department.

Cash Invoice No.

Numbers entered in this column are the last invoice numbers generated for the department / invoice. This gives you the ability to sequence invoice numbers for cash invoices separately from other invoices.

Invoice Prefix

This is the prefix that you would like to see before the invoice number. For example "G". Mind you, it does not have to be a single letter.

Payment Prefix

This prefix precedes the Payment Number.

Customer Prefix

This is the prefix that you would like to see in front of the customer account number. For example "FLM".

Lower Button Options

Pad Invoice Numbers to # Digits

If your invoice number is say, 4353, this button will expand it, so that your invoices are always # digit numbers.

Use Auto ROA Payment Numbers

This will auto generate numbers for your Received On Account numbers.

Confirm Invoice Numbers

This button will bring up a dialogue box that asks you if you wish to use the current invoice number before posting.

Assign Invoice Number to Customer PO Number

This button will tie the Invoice number into the customers Purchase Order Number.

Add Revision Sequence

This option will have an auto generation of revision number by stock events. Each time an invoice is being adjusted, the revision number will increase.

Note: Revision number is not part of the invoice number.