Customer - Ship To tab

The Customer Details window - Ship To tab, allows you to enter various shipping addresses. These shipping addresses can be printed using the [Print Label] button on the toolbar.

The Shipping Address sub-tab, as shown in Figure1, allows for the input of a single address that print as the Shipping Address for the current customer for Invoices, shipping labels and from the [Print Label] button on the Toolbar.


Figure 1: Shipping Address sub-tab

The Multiple Ship To sub-tab allows for the input of many Ship To addresses that are selected from other existing customer records or by adding new customer records specifically for this purpose. It is important to note that if the 'Multiple Ship To' tab is displayed and a specific row in the list is selected, the address for the selected row prints on 'Shipping Labels'. This allows for the printing of shipping labels directly from the Customer Maintenance in the event that you are adding a new Ship To on the fly and require labels for an order that has already been completed. To customize the grid, right click on the grid and select customize.


Figure 2: Multiple Ship To sub-tab