Aged AR - Lookup Words tab

Topic Overview

The Lookup words tab offers three different functions as listed below:

Include by Lookup Word

The Lookup Words tab, on the Include by Lookup Word Sub-tab is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: The Lookup Words tab - Include by Lookup Word

See also: Lookup Words for information on the use and function of the common Lookup Word control.

The function and purpose of each of the other items on the Include by Lookup Word and Exclude by Lookup Word Sub-tabs are detailed in Table 1.


Function and/or Purpose

Selection Criteria

  1. Must have all Lookup Words (AND)
    This criteria option instructs the report to include only those Invoices that have all of the lookup words in the Attached Words list assigned to them.
    This is referred to as a Logical AND selection criteria.

  1. Must have one or more Lookup Words (OR)
    This criteria option instructs the report to include only those Invoices that one or more of the lookup words in the Attached Words list assigned to them.
    This is referred to as a Logical OR selection criteria.

Table 1: The Function and Purpose of the Include by Lookup Word Options

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Add Lookup Word

The Lookup Words tab, on the Add Lookup Word Sub-tab is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2: The Lookup Words tab - Add Lookup Word

This option allows you to add a specific Lookup Word to all of the Customer Invoices that are on the report. You can use the other filters and options to select the desired Invoices, then use this option to assign a specific Lookup Word to all of the Customer Invoices.

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